
“A well-paced story... a feel-good fairy tale for young-adult readers.”
-Kirkus Reviews

“ engaging, genuine story with humor from start to finish....I would definitely watch this story unfold in a feel-good movie.”
-Rebecca June Moore (June Reads Books)

“...a very heartwarming, quirky story about finding yourself and really understanding your family...made me lost in all the feels until I reached the end.”
-Katherine Paschal (Smadas Book Smach)

“...a breath of fresh air into the literary community. Keep an eye on her folks.”
-Travis Haugen (Author of SOUP)

Anxiety has become the only thing Abigail Hartley can count on. She’s jobless, dreamless, loveless and stuck living with her parents—it’s not exactly the 22 she had in mind.But when tragic news rattles the Hartley household and years of secrecy begin to surface, Abigail can no longer hide behind her fears. She joins forces with her sarcastic, pre-teen sister and heads to the only place that might have the answers she’s looking for. One month in Georgia is all it takes to change everything Abigail knows about, well…everything.


Sabrina Falk is a full-time professional novelist and a guest contributor on numerous blogs across Canada and the U.S. Her debut novel, Not Far From The Peach Tree was published by Peasantry Press and was the Number 1 Best Selling Paper Back Fiction at McNally Robinson Booksellers.

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